Summer Reading is back at the Madison Public Library!
Earn rewards for reading! Registration begins June 14th.
We’re excited to announce that we will be having a summer reading program this year! The rules have changed a bit since last year, so make sure to read the details carefully below:
Kids: Grades 5 and under
We’re switching from minutes to days!
Come to the library to pick up a reading log. For every day you read or are read to, color in or cross out a picture in numerical order. When you reach a star (you will every 7 days!), bring your reading log to the library for a reward and a chance to win a grand prize. Take your reading log home and continue filling it in!
Color in six stars to receive a Super Reader Lawn Sign!
Print books, ebooks, magazines, graphic novels, and audiobooks all count as reading!
Celebrate with us on June 25th!
Welcome summer to the library with our annual party in the courtyard, occuring Tuesday, June 25th, from 2-4 PM. Come register for the reading club, visit any number of tables with crafts, face painting, glitter tattoos, or play dough, or create your own sweet treat! Can’t make it the 25th? No worries, we have a ton of fun events planned for this summer for all ages. You can find all of the details on our online events calendar.
Every book is a chance to win!
For those entering grades 6-12 in September, grab a reading log from the library. Each book you read earns you one ticket to enter into the drawing for a prize, with the opportunity to win bonus tickets as you go. Check your log in at the library to collect your tickets!
Registration starts on June 14th, and you can submit your logs through August 9th.
Summer reading is for Adults too!
Read: print or eBooks, magazines, graphic novels, comics, or listen to audiobooks.
Fill out a ticket from the table in the lobby & enter it into the collection box any time between June 25th and August 9th.
Feel free to take a tote bag
Your ticket will enter you into a weekly raffle for $25.00 in Madison Gift Dollars.
Each completed ticket you turn in will increase your chances to win the grand prize.
Last day to turn in tickets is August 9th. The grand-prize drawing will be held the following week.